
The following tauparapara was chosen by us. We acknowledge the wisdom of our tupuna who showed us our connections back to our beginning and the sacredness of life. It speaks to our vision – sport as a ‘seed’ for change. It acts like an introduction to who we are, what we do and how we do it.


Te Pū
Te More
Te Weu
Te Aka
Te Rea
Te Waonui
Te Kune
Te Whē
Te Kore
Te Pō
Ko Ranginui
Ko Papatuānuku
Ka tauhā ko Ranginui e tu iho nei
Ka tauhā ko Papatuānuku e takato ake nei
Koia i rukuhia te manawā o Pou i roto
Koia i rukuhia te manawā o Pou i waho
Whakatina kia tina
Te More i Hawaiki
E pūpū ana hoki
E wāwau ana hoki
Tarewa tū ki te Rangi i a au kia eke
Eke Pānuku, eke Tangaroa
Whiti, whano, hara mai te toki
Haumi ee, Hui ee, TAIKI EE!

Aligned Potential

E Tipu E Rea 

We know from within te ao Māori there is a pattern in all creation that, when all things are in alignment, great potential can be unleashed. Everything can become what it was intended to be. Everyone can be what they aspire to be, but few can reach their potential on their own.

Nonetheless, the greatest version of ourselves begins with nurturing the potential within ourselves. What we know, what we do, and how we feel, plays a huge part in maximising that potential.

The three elements of knowing, doing and feeling are expressed in te ao Māori through the notion of the three hearts (Whatumanawa – Manawa – Pūmanawa).
We ‘unpack’ these ancient concepts through a series of wānanga. We are about long-term sustainable change. We believe that true transformative growth resides within the alignment of our three hearts.

We believe that we achieve alignment by exploring our potential and awakening our spiritual consciousness – our sense of wairua. This is the depth of transformative potential that Tātai Ora dives into, through our approaches, when we work alongside whānau, clubs and communities.