Tūhoe, Tūwharetoa, Te Whānau-a-Apanui | Macedonian
Nō Toi rāua ko Pōtiki te whenua, nō Tūhoe te mana me te rangatiratanga.
Te Kanapu is well aquatinted with the reo and tikanga of both his Macedonian and Tūhoe heritage and brings an expansive cultural perspective to the Tātai Ora team.
Having a deep passion for the revitalisation of te reo me ngā tikanga Māori, Te Kanapu has pursued excellence in his personal and professional development; attaining a Bachelor of Teaching – Mā Te Reo Māori from Te Pū Wānanga o Anamata under Tamati Kruger and other Tūhoe experts and is an ‘Ika a Whiro’, a graduate of Te Panekiretanga o Te Reo (The Academy of Māori Language Excellence) under Sir Timoti Karetu, Professor Pou Temara and Professor Wharehuia Milroy.
Te Kanapu has taught te reo Māori in kura kaupapa and tertiary learning institutes and has also designed and carried out cultural revitalisation wānanga for iwi and marae.
Te Kanapu believes in the empowerment inherent within te ao Māori and knows first-hand, the positive impact that learning his own whakapapa, revitalising his reo, and living the values and practises of his culture brings to his whānau. He is driven to support the journey of self-discovery as a way to nurture positive wellbeing.